Love me well

General, Noticias

género, igualdad, violencia

14 December 2011


Journal Information

2.0 Review

November 26, 2011



The commemorative days like yesterday are, as its name suggests, an opportunity for the claim or complaint, but not just for this. Beyond remember that the November 25 serve to denounce the scourge of social violence against women, these-and other-day memorial should also serve to clarify issues, affect the essence of what is alleged, and look for reflections allow us at least begin to remove the social consciousness successful starting points.

Gender violence is a form of violence over-with all that is reprehensible in itself any kind of violence-that require preventive and protective measures and appropriate penalties after an aggressive attitude exercised with or without premeditation. After this kind of behavior, beyond the voluntary express denigrating who exercise hides a patent situation of inequality faced by women, who just violently manifested, and is exercised against women just because she is female , because their attackers, as indicating the actual grounds of the Domestic Violence Act, these victims do not have the slightest freedom do not deserve the same respect as the other half of the human race, or their decision-making can be compared to it. So is violence “gender” and not other things (family, household, male). Because it is a violence that feeds the artificial division of roles between the sexes (freedom, passion, power, conquest, for some reason, obedience, intuition, seduction, caring, dependence and to others), which gives both sexes disparate functions discriminatory consequences for women, and has its climax in violent activity itself.

Violence may be the point of arrival, and quite often irreversible for many women. But this violence are built upon internalized behaviors and roles from the first years of life, nourished in adolescence, and consolidated at maturity. Facing the trend perpetuation of these roles, only the awareness that women-men relations must be based on a conception of love and friendship based on mutual respect and self-assertion will be prevented from love to hate has only one pass without turning back, for many women.

In Spain it has been working for more than three decades in the field of intervention with women victims of gender violence. The challenge today is prevention through education in equality between women and men and to the change of governing relationships. From this perspective, the group of young people it becomes relevant to them and theirs to lead the morning, both in the workplace and family, and because it nests remain and ideas that are the prelude to violence against women. Perhaps because adolescence is the stage of critical biographies in which you can enjoy greater levels of equality, dashed with the transition to adult life, and today’s teens do not perceive the violence as a problem that affects them or affect them. In their imaginary gender-based violence is “mother” or “adult women”. However, this perception belies the reality: one in four women killed by their partners are under 30 years of the latest victims of domestic violence only came to celebrate his seventeenth birthday.

The rejection of violent behavior is dominant, however, exposure to them is a reality. Among adolescents, a 19% “somewhat justified”, and 5% have experienced situations of partner abuse “with some frequency.” 32% of teens justify “somewhat” sexism and violence, and 3% “recognize situations of abuse exerted on the couple often.” The most widespread situations of abuse in adolescence feed on the ideology of domination, control, isolation and emotional abuse, the prelude to gender violence. A third of men considered to control everything that makes the girl “is not abuse” something to match over 26% of the girls. Nor is abuse, for 31% of them and 18% of them tell a girl “worthless” or “make you feel afraid,” and saying the 23% of boys and 14% of girls . Education and extension of a culture of relationships based on respect, freedom and equality, is the biggest and best antidotes against gender violence.

This text has been translated using a machine translation engine.